Adoption Counseling


  • National Council for Adoption has member agencies in most states and a network of adoption services in more than 30 countries around the world
    (703) 299-6633
  • Adoptive Families is an award-winning national adoption magazine, and is the leading adoption information source for families before, during, and after adoption
  • Consultation Intake Form

If you have questions and/or fears about adopting, or need help moving from infertility treatment to the adoption process, I can provide unbiased counseling to help you look at your options. There are many decisions to make along the way such as whether to adopt domestic or international, utilize an agency or attorney, what age or ethnicity of child you are open to, and what kind of relationship you want with the birth family.

If you’ve already started the process of adoption but need support or guidance in working with a birth family, have experienced a disruption in an adoption plan, or are struggling with waiting for a match, I can also provide you support and guidance.

If you are a new adoptive parent and are feeling overwhelmed I can help you sort through your feelings and gain the confidence you desire as a parent. I can explore with you how to talk to your child about adoption, plan how you will share difficult information, help you process open adoption issues and develop your child’s identity in a transracial adoptive family.

If you are an adult adoptee, I can help you explore your feelings about search and reunion, or other issues related to adoption, race or identity.

I meet with birthmothers dealing with issues of loss and identity, whether that be right after placement, or years later.

I am not affiliated with any adoption agency or attorney. I am also an adoptive mother!

Get the information you need to make an informed choice, and don’t go through this on your own. Visit our Tustin office or Call today!