Let Me Help Guide You Along Your Journey
Counseling for Infertility to Adoption And Everything
In Between!
Is your desire to have a baby taking over your life? Do you feel upset every time you hear someone else is pregnant and afraid that it will never be you?
Contact Penny for Appointment
Find the Answers to Your Tough Questions

The Emotional Rollercoaster
The rollercoaster ride of infertility doesn't just describe the monthly highs and lows of trying to conceive, but the whole family building experience from discovery to resolution. Read about why the journey can be so different for men and women and how you can keep your relationship strong.

Penny Joss Fletcher, MA, LMFT
The journey toward parenthood can be much longer and more difficult than expected, but you don't have to feel alone and overwhelmed. I've personally been on this rollercoaster and would be honored to be a beacon of light and hope to guide you along your path toward parenthood — however you get there!